If you have just finished school and don’t want to stay on for the sixth form then you could think about something else. This could be an apprenticeship or heading off to university. If you decide to do the latter and go off to university then you will need to get a few things sorted before you can actually go. Some universities will offer conditional offers based on your GCSE results, so this might be something you need to check if you know the route you want to go down. If you are unsure how to go about this then the article below could give you some information and reassurance.
What You Want To Study
One of the first things you need to do is figure out the career path you want to follow. Perhaps you have known since you went to secondary school what you have wanted to do and it is just a case of getting through school. However, if not then that is also okay. A high percentage of students don’t know what they want to do or become by the time they leave school. If you have a careers meeting then make sure you attend this as it could give you some insight into what you could excel at. For instance, if you are caring and like looking after people then you could become a doctor or nurse.
Where You Want To Study
Once you know what you want to study, it is a matter of finding the right university that offers the course or courses you need to succeed. The easiest thing to do is an internet search for the course you need and a list of universities that offer this will come up. Your career advisor might also be able to offer some guidance on universities that offer it. Make sure you do your research on the different universities. One might be perfect for you while others might not push you in the direction you need to go. Check where your friends are going, maybe that university offers the course you need. That way you won’t be venturing off all on your own into the big wide world of uni.
Where Will You Stay?
Something a lot of teens and parents worry about when going off to university is where they will stay. There are a few options available here, the first one is staying on-site in the university dorm rooms. These get booked up pretty fast so it is essential you get your requests in as early as possible. If you don’t want to do this, or the dorm rooms are full then you could stay off sight in other university accommodation. Speak to your university about what options they offer and where these properties are located. They will never be far away from the university so you won’t have to worry about traveling far each day. The final option you have is going into a shared house with some friends. Check out private landlords that don’t mind letting their homes to university students.
Equipment Needed
When you start at university you will be provided with a long list of everything you will need. One thing that will certainly be on there is a laptop or tablet. You will need one of these to complete your assignments. If you don’t already have one then you will need to purchase one before the start of term. If you don’t want to buy a brand new one then you can get an equally as good one second-hand. These are great and you can save a load of money doing it this way. One thing you need to be aware of is viruses. These will slow your laptop down so it is essential you invest in some malware for your new laptop. Follow this link to find out more.
Finally, if you are going away to university then you will need some source of money to get by and afford food and other bits each week. You can apply for student loans which will help you with this, be aware you will need to pay these back when you reach a certain salary. Alternatively, if you don’t want to go down this route then you could look for work to do around university times. This could be freelancing or working in a local restaurant for example.
We hope you find this article helpful and that it gives you some advice on what to think about and consider when the time comes to go off to university.
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