The age between 6 months to 3 years is about learning and discovering new things. From learning how to crawl to using their senses while playing with toys, toddlers get amazed every day. In fact, many toddlers start requesting to explore the outside environment.
And why not?
Exploring inside and outside environments (in parental supervision) is essential for kids’ social, emotional, and physical development. Minimal movements like holding hands, kicking a ball, climbing stairs help improve their hand-eye coordination and motor skills. Likewise, doing something successfully helps in boosting their confidence.
However, as a parent, you need to ensure that your little bundle of joy is safe and under supervision (always). Thus, you can consider using the following ideas to ensure your infant’s safety without hindering the discovery process.
● Using Mirrors
Did you know that babies tend to recognize their reflectionbetween the age of 15 to 24 months? Yes, you read it right! By this age, they start learning that the face they see in the mirror is their own. To satisfy their curiosity, they try to touch the mirror, smile at it, or try to wipe it.
Considering this information, you should set up a mirror at their eye level and let your child explore their face. You can also teach them the names of different body parts and ask them about them.
● Using Different Toys
Infants and toddlers love to use the sense of touch. That’s the reason why you’ll often find them trying to touch anything that fascinates them. For fulfilling their desire, you can use infant development toys such as bouncy balls, ringlets, discover shapes and clips. These toys are generally safe and durable. These will also keep your little one entertained while helping with better motor skills.
The best part?
Most toys are perfectly sized for a baby’s hand and made of non-toxic materials. That means you need not worry about your baby trying to eat them.
● Using Baby Pool
If your toddlers often request to go out, you can create a small outdoor play area for them. Make sure to use the baby pool and fill it with water toys, float boats, and other fun items. Similarly, you can create a beach-like environment (or the sandbox) using sand, small rocks, and water. Playing with water and sand will help you learn about nature. You can even build sandcastles and create beautiful memories with your child.
Note: Make sure to cover sandboxes or pools when not in use. It will help keep pets and other animals from contaminating the area.
Tips For Happy Exploration
Apart from using the ideas mentioned above, you should follow the tips given below to ensure that your infant is happy while discovering new things:
Wrapping Up!
These are some of how your child can explore new things about themselves as well as the environment. Nevertheless, make sure to pay attention to what they do. But do not intervene unless it involves the risk of your child getting hurt.
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