You may have noticed that since just before Christmas PaleGirlRambling has been a little all over the place. I haven’t stuck to my usual (very strict) posting routine, I haven’t posted religiously on Instagram every day or been super active on twitter and scheduling lots of tweets and for that I’m sorry. I can say I’ve truly missed being active in the blogging community. That being said I have had a lot going on and sometimes life just gets in the way. I can’t quite believe I’m about to type this. You’ve probably already guessed from the picture. I have some huge news. 2018 is going to be the most exciting year for me yet because I’m pregnant!
I’m going to be a mumma!
I’m going to keep this short and sweet (I don’t want to bore those of you that aren’t remotely interested!) but boy am I excited to become a mumma! Throughout my pregnancy I’ll be posting weekly/monthly updates, tips and tricks on how I’m surviving pregnancy along with products that I’ve been loving and how I’m preparing for my little one’s arrival!
Don’t panic if you just follow me for beauty content though, I plan to get back to my trusty and well loved routine. I’ll still have two beauty posts a week on Monday’s and Thursday’s like usual. All pregnancy and mummy posts will be little added extras!
A post all about my first 12 weeks of pregnancy will be going live in the next few days and it’s well worth a read as it’s been an eventful 12 weeks to say the least and it’ll make it a lot more clear why PaleGirlRambling has been so ‘higeldy pigeldy’.
If it would interest any of you, I’d also love to create a Q&A post at some point so if you have any questions throughout my pregnancy, whether you’re an expecting mama yourself or just nosey please leave me any questions in the comments or pop me a message on any of my social media channels.
Thankyou for being so understanding over the past few months and for sticking around! 2018 is going to be super exciting and scary but I can’t wait to share it with you all.
A love Affair with Beauty says
OMg omg omg. This is such exciting news!! Congratulations!! I can’t wait to see photos, I’m definitely going to be nosey and want to hear how it’s all going. X
jennyinneverland says
Congratulations! What wonderful news, I bet you’re absolutely ecstatic! I can’t wait to read your 12 week update and keep up to date with your pregnancy. I hope it’s a safe and smooth one for you! I get really interested in bloggers and YouTuber’s pregnancy related videos even though I’ve never been pregnant myself nor am I planning to be any time soon haha! xxx
chloealr says
Rach, I am so, so happy for you. You are going to be the best mama ever and I cannot wait to see what little squish is like! Bring on August! <3
Sam | Violet Hollow says
Congratulations! So excited for you x
Emma Drury says
Congrats mamma!!! I’m so excited to see your little one! 💛
Emma |
Kirsty Lynch says
Congratulations, I hope you have a smooth pregnancy x
Sophie 🌸 (@sophwonderlandx) says
Congratulations!! Such exciting news! I cant wait to follow your journey! Xxx
The Emma Edit says
Awwwwh- massive congratulations! 😀😀. Good luck with everything- I look forward to your updates!
sianpitman says
Lovely news! Congratulations! Exciting 2018 ahead! X
Ellie says
Ahh congratulations what wonderful news!! I’m sure you’ll be a great mummy!!!
hayleyxmartin says
Congratulations!! Such lovely news – I wish you all the best, looking forward to hearing about your pregnancy and when the baby arrives
Hayley | hayleyxmartin
aysemervedemirblog says
Omg this is amazing!!! Congratulations lovely you will be the best mummy ever!!! So looking forward to read all your mummy and pregnancy related blog posts! Xx
xhighlandbeauty says
Aaaaah congratulations! Amazing news! Hope pregnancy is treating you well.
One of the best feelings in the world is becoming a mamma! Stressful but so rewarding.
Here if you need anyone to talk to!
Heather xo
Imperfect Beauty says
Congratulations! 😊x
isabella (@thefrecklesly) says
Congratulations!! xx
Lise says
Congrats! That’s so exciting~
Lauren says
Cole says
Massive congratulations lovely! Xx
A Sparkle Of Grace says
Congratulations!!!! I’m so excited for you!!!
My sister is due in August as well, so babies have been all our family has been thinking about.
Breanna Catharina says
Oh my goodness! I’m so excited for you! I can’t wait for all your progress. Don’t feel any pressure or obligation to maintain you blog if it’s too much of a burden on your mind and emotions. We all support you ♥️
Breanna Catharina
Soffy says
I’m a new a reader just stumbled upon your blog today and what a lovely post to read. Many congratulations. Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy 💕
Soffy //
Kerry LifeandLoves says
Ahhhh Congratulations! What wonderful news. So happy for you xxxx
Susanne says
Congratulations 🎊
Hels says
I’m so excited for you!!! Congratulations 💚💚 I hope the first trimester was okay for you!
Hels xxx
sinead gaffney says
Congratulations! such an exciting time for you. I hope pregnancy is nice to you..
this is also my first time on your blog & I really love it! Good job x
Sinead |
Rosa says
Oh wow! This is so exciting, congratulations.
theglassofclass says
CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so so happy for you and cannot wait to read all the updates!
Julia xx
borntobebright says
Congratulations! I’m so happy and excited for you, I can’t wait to see updates and pictures once the little one arrives (if you want to share of course)! So many good thoughts coming your way!
emilyburnsmua says
Beckie says
This is so amazing! I am so so happy for you. Cant wait for all the cute little mummy updates omg!!!
somethingdifferent1998 says
Congratulations my lovely! I’m super excited for you and I can’t wait to read all about it and your little one!x
Ivefoundwaldo says
Congrats! I’m so happy to be a part of this journey with you! I can’t wait to find out the gender, and how you’re going to decorate the baby’s room and everything! I’m super stoked for you xxx
Melina |
Lisa Valentine says
Such lovely news. Congratulations ❤ Looking forward to reading all about it in the next few months. Lisa xx
KateAlice says
Aww congratulations sweetie! This is amazing news❤️
lifeofangela says
This is so exciting!! Congratulations!! I can’t wait to hear updates about your journey 😀
Rebecca Allatt says
Congratulations! ❤️
mariiacano says
This is so so so exciting!! Congratulations! Can’t imagine how happy you are right now.
bethhil says
Congratulations, can’t wait to see how your content progresses! X
gemmaorton says
Congratulations! Look forward to reading more 😊
Hayley Beth says
Massive congratulations to you! Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!
Viktoria@TheLifestyleFiles says
This is so exciting and such wonderful news!! Congratulations, wishing you all the best! xx
Emmi Bowles says
Congratulations!! Sending love to you and your family!
miasouthertonx says
Oh wow, amazing news!! Congratulations lovely, can’t wait for all your baby related posts X
Merkitty says
I’m just going to echo what everyone has already said.. but congratulations! ♥
Hayley The Tiny says
I am so so excited for you! 😀 I can’t wait to read all about your adventure into motherhood and see and read all the updates!! That giraffe cuddly is just adorable!!
Caitlin Moores says
Natalie says
Morgan 🌵 (@JustMorgsx) says
I’M SO EXCITED AND HAPPY FOR YOU! Can’t wait for all the blog posts to come, you’ll do amazing xx