If you’ve read a few of my past posts you’ll know I’m really trying to take better care of my hair. I got a fair bit cut off the other week (cry!) and I’m adamant that as it grows back it’ll be in much better condition. I’ve been using two products from Less is More which I’m loving but I’ve been using a cheap and cheerful raspberry shampoo that does nothing for my hair condition. I was delighted when AA skincare sent me their newest product to try out. They’ve released a range of shampoo bars for different hair types. AA Skincare are a natural, cruelty free brand who make a range of moisturisers, toners, shampoos, conditioners, soap and even deodorants.
The shampoo bars are made of natural ingredient and essential oils. Each combination of oils is created for a different hair type. I’ll leave a list at the bottom of this post to help you decide what combination is right for your hair type. I went for the ‘Illuminate Blonde Shampoo bar’ which has a mix of Geranium, Almond and Lemon. This shampoo bar is best for dry and damaged hair (which mine definitely is after years of over straightening!) This bar ‘breaths life back into dry hair and encourages growth and strength.’
As this is a bar rather than liquid shampoo it’s supposed to last twice as long as a 250ml bottle of shampoo. I was definitely skeptical about using this. On taking it out of the packet it felt rough, kind of like how a new bath bomb feels. I couldn’t see how this was going to lather up enough to properly wash my hair. Thankfully I was wrong though and this lathered really easily. It’s super easy to use, you wet your hair first and then you just have to run the bar under the shower water and rub it between your hands and plenty of soap suds appear then massage into your hair and scalp. It smells really lovely and fresh and not over powering. I shampoo my hair twice every time I wash it but honestly after the first shampoo my hair felt really clean! I tend to be very heavy handed with liquid shampoo so I love that I’m not wasting any product when using this bar!
I’m really looking forward to seeing how this improves my hair condition over time. I’ve definitely been converted to this from liquid shampoo purely because I don’t waste any shampoo! This bar costs only £5.94. You can buy it direct from the AA Skincare site as well as other stockists throughout the UK. They’ve a handy map that tells you where in your local area. I’ve been using it for a few weeks and it genuinely looks the exact same size as when I took it out of the packet so I’m really excited to see how long this lasts! As promised, here’s the list of the different combinations of oils. If you need any help picking one please leave me a comment and I’ll try and help!
Have you used a shampoo bar before? Does this sound like the sort of thing you’d like to use?
Frankincense, Rose & Argan oil – all hair types
Lavendar , Rosemary & Camomile – itchy, dry hair
Cinnamon, Clove & Peppermint – dry hair
Lemon & Bergamot – greasy and oily hair
Coconut oil – dry and damaged hair
Almond oil – dry, dull and damaged hair
Geranium, Almond & Lemon – dry and damaged hair
Peppermint & Coconut – oily, dry and damaged hair
PaleGirlRambling xo
Liv says
These sound so cool! I’ve never heard of shampoo bars before xx
Antonia says
This sounds very interesting. Haven’t heard of it before. Wold love to try it out. xx
Antonia || Sweet Passions
Thoroughly Modern Emily says
This sounds fantastic! I always drop a bunch of shampoo on the shower floor, so it would be nice to have something I couldn’t accidentally waste. I’ve never heard of shampoo bars before!
groggits says
These sound really interesting! I’m a bit ‘mess adverse’ though – how do you store the bar after you’ve used it? I wash my hair backwards (condition first and then shampoo) so I’d be interested in seeing if this would work. Do they do conditioners too? Great post!
Veronica Bizzarri says
I would be worried using a bar incase it didn’t clean my hair properly but this one sounds like it does the job well! That’s amazing if the bar lasts that amount of time!
pinkiebag says
Hi, I’ve not tried a shampoo bar before but the ingredients sound delightful and I want to give one of these a try.